Sunday 15 March 2015

The gods Of The Sheeple

Humanity unfortunately is still plagued with superstitious nonsense. Not a day goes by that we don't hear about some religious nutcase(s) wanting to take away our liberties by imposing some backward religious belief, usually coming from the Bible. I'm speaking here of course about North America, where Christian nutcases abound and where that psychopathic baby-killer, Yahweh, is still worshipped by a good percentage of the sheeple.

The story is quite different in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, for example, where the desert god, Allah, and his clerics, reign supreme over these backward countries. The oppression of women and little girls is common place. The rape and then stoning of women who are not "properly" clothed, is common place. Beheading a heretic or apostate is also common place. In Saudi Arabia, that wonderful example of Muslim peace, whole families are invited to attend a public beheading at their local stadium; what a wonderful way to spend a Saturday with the kids, right? What a wonderful way to show them the peace which is said to be the hallmark of their religion.

It's almost unbelievable to think that such barbarism still goes on in this day and age, when science has done so much to drag us out of our ignorance, but there you have it, people still kill others over religious beliefs like blasphemy. Making a joke about "The Prophet" can get you killed, not to mention example after example of so-called moderate Muslims, massing in the streets, burning buildings, rioting and what-not, all in the name of a god of peace. Isn't religion wonderful?

I wonder, when will humans wake up and realize that belief in these imaginary beings have imposed mountains of suffering on their fellow humans, especially women and children. Christianity had its dark ages, but fortunately they're over. Not so with Islam who would dearly love to impose the same dark times on the whole of humanity. This makes them very dangerous in my humble opinion. They could possibly destroy the advances we have worked so hard to achieve.

"Ah, but you say, these are a handful of fanatic jihadists," to which I reply: "no, it isn't just a handful, it's a hell of a lot more than that and if they ever get their hands on biological or nuclear weapons, it won't really matter, will it?" The so-called moderates, who are supposed to outnumber the jihadists, don't bother doing much to dissuade the maniacs, who would enslave us or kill us all in the name of that desert monstrosity, Allah.

And then you have the Progressive Liberals, who keep insisting that we shouldn't offend our Muslim friends. Live and let live, they say. It's only a very small minority who are jihadists, they keep reminding us. Bullshit! These Progressive Liberals don't know what they're talking about. And even if they were correct, that doesn't change the fact that we'd be facing imminent danger at the hands of these maniacs, should they ever get their hands of more powerful weapons. Imagine a group getting their hands on a dirty bomb and exploding it over a highly populated centre.

"Oh, but it isn't their faith that makes them do that", they tell us. Bullshit! That's exactly what makes them do that. There is violence galore in the Qur'an, take the time to read it some day, or just saunter over to The Skeptic's Annotated Qur'an and you'll get an eyeful. The violence, the absurdities, the oppression of women and little girls, the threats of hellfire, and on and on it goes. Islam is no religion of peace. This is a religion, like Christianity, that is drenched in blood.

Fortunately we have made some progress where Christianity is concerned. Thinking men and women helped remove that backward and violent religion from the halls of power, so that heretics and witches could no longer be tortured and then burned alive. Of course, that hasn't stopped them from propagating their ridiculous beliefs about their "loving" god who will chuck you into hell, to be tortured forever, for not having the correct belief.... but god loves you!

They still believe in a virgin who conceived and gave birth to a god-man by the intermediary of some divine ghost, most not realizing that in antiquity, no self-respecting god-man was born of a woman who previously had sex. All the good ones were conceived miraculously and born of virginal purity.

Christians, even today, knowing what we know, still believe that Jesus walked on water, when science, not to mention common sense, tells us this is just not done. They still believe this guy Jesus was sent by his father, in order to be horribly tortured and crucified, so that this loving deity could forgive us. Tell me, have you ever had your son or daughter tortured and killed in order to forgive someone, anyone? I'd bet you haven't. That makes you infinitely better than this psychotic god of the Christians.

Isn't it time we all grew the hell up and started behaving like the adults we're supposed to be? Isn't it time that, like our children who gave up Santa and Mother Goose, we give up our own little faerie tales? Really, humanity needs to see that these things are forms of neuroses, that we have to give up if we wish hang on to the title of "Homo Sapiens".

From where I stand, belief in faerie tales like Santa and Mother Goose are no different than believing in "God", so-called. Believing in Santa Claus and Mother Goose is no different than believing in Zeus, Poseidon, Allah, or Yahweh. The difference between now and a few hundred years ago, is that now we could annihilate ourselves over these childish beliefs.


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