Friday 3 April 2015

Slower Than The Second Coming

We're all familiar with the expression "slower than the second coming," but where does it come from? It comes from the claim made in the Bible that Jesus would soon return and that even after 2000 years, or there about, he still hasn't made good on his promise. 2000 years may be but a blink in cosmic time, but to us humans it's a long time.

Monday 30 March 2015

Eat His Flesh And Drink His Blood... WTF?!?!

There's an ongoing debate between Christians and Sceptics concerning the Eucharist, sometimes referred to as Communion, or The Lord’s Supper. Some Sceptics charge that it's cannibalism and, of course, Christians argue that it's not. 
My opinion in this matter is twofold: As far as Roman Catholicism is concerned, I maintain that it's a form of cannibalism, because of the literal way they interpret the passages in the gospels that recount the Jesus’ last supper with the twelve. But a lot of Christians believe that Jesus' words were to be taken symbolically, ergo, I maintain that these last are practicing symbolic cannibalism. Either way, it’s cannibalism.
The most often quoted passage, where this doctrine is concerned, is found in John 6 and the passages in the gospels which recount Jesus’ last supper with his disciples: Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22 & John 13.

The Bible: Clear As Mud

I don't know how many times I've heard the statement, "the Bible is as clear as crystal", but I've heard it innumerable times. In fact, I've said the same thing myself on a great many occasions during my eighteen years as an Evangelical Christian. Those who believe the Bible to be the inerrant, inspired and sufficient "Word of God", will defend this book with whatever means are available to them; even lies are fair game.
Is the Bible that clear? Is it so clear that even child, as we are so often told by Inerrantists1, could understand its so-called "salvific message?" Well, that must be some brilliant child, because the so-called clarity of the "gospel of Jesus Christ" has caused Christians to deluge formerly blank page with untold gallons of ink, just arguing about it for centuries. So much for clarity and so much for the unity of the church!